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Partial laser turbinectomy: two year outcomes in patients with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis

Volume: 42 - Issue: 2

First page: 81 - Last page: 84

A.S. Sandhu - R.H. Temple - M.S. Timms

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin

Objective: The aim was to compare two year outcomes of partial laser turbinectomy in
patients with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis with respect to nasal obstruction symptom
scores and nasal peak inspiratory flow rates (nPIFR). This has not been reported previously.
Method: Fifty-four patients underwent partial laser turbinectomy (28 with allergic rhinitis, 26
with non-allergic rhinitis). NPIFR was measured preoperatively, at 3 months and two years
postoperatively. A symptom score questionnaire was also completed.
Results: Both allergic and non-allergic patients showed a significant improvement in symptom
scores and nPIFR at three months (n=54). The improvement in allergic patients was greater.
In the 31 patients seen at two years, there was still a significant improvement in median symptom
scores but no such improvement in median nPIFR. In allergic patients (n=18) at two
years, there was no significant improvement in symptom and nPIFR scores. Non-allergic
patients (n=13), however, did show sustained significant improvement in these scores
(p<0.05). Eighty-seven percent (26/31) considered the operation successful and would recommend
it to others.
Conclusions: Non-allergic patients derive a more sustained improvement in the medium term
compared to allergic individuals when undergoing partial laser turbinectomy. The improvement
in symptom scores in the group as a whole was still significant.

Rhinology 42-2: 81-84, 2004

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