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Effects of dimethindene maleate nasal spray on the quality of life in seasonal allergic rhinitis

Volume: 41 - Issue: 3

First page: 159 - Last page: 166

C.H. Kirchhoff - B. Kremer - S. Haaf-von Below - H.J. Kyrein - R. Møsges

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin

Objective: To determine if the H1-receptor antagonist dimethindene maleate (DMM), topically
applied, is able to improve the quality of life (QoL) in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis
better than placebo.
Methods: The study was a multi-centre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded
phase III trial including 157 patients. Two parallel groups received either DMM nasal spray
or placebo for 2 weeks. Patients answered 5 QoL questionnaires (Rhinoconjunctivitis QoL
Questionnaire {LQ-AR}, Munich Life Dimension List {MLDL}, Profile of Mood States
{POMS}, 2 Visual Analogue Scales {VAS-QoL, VAS-GES}) on days 1, 4, 8, and 15.
Results: QoL improved significantly in all scales and groups. Statistically significant differences
between groups were achieved in the sub-scales LQ-AR Eye Symptoms and Daily
Activities, MLDL Total, POMS Depression and Energy, VAS-QoL and VAS-General Health.
All differences favoured the DMM group and were present initially but disappeared in visit 4,
except MLDL Total and POMS Energy. Almost all other scores had a better tendency of
Conclusion: A significant improvement of QoL was found in both groups. Only weak differences
between groups (in favour of DMM) were found. There are several reasons explaining
this outcome, mainly the rainy weather during the study period (mean weather index 10-20%
less sunny than in previous seasons).

Rhinology 41-3: 159-166, 2003

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