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Clinical analysis of submucosal Medpor implantation for empty nose syndrome

Volume: 52 - Issue: 1

First page: 35 - Last page: 40

Y.Y. Tam - T.J. Lee - C.C. Wu - P.H. Chang - Y.W. Chen - C.H. Fu - C.C. Huang

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin

BACKGROUND: Empty nose syndrome (ENS) describes symptomatology and radiographic findings after surgeries on turbinates. The treatment of ENS is still debatable.
PURPOSE: To analyse clinical outcomes of submucosal Medpor® implantation for ENS.
METHODS: A total of 18 patients underwent submucosal Medpor® implantation from 2006 to 2011. We applied SNOT-22 (Sino-Nasal Outcome Test) for statistical survey of the patients’ symptoms before and after surgery.
RESULTS: Two patients were lost to follow up after the surgery. Most of the patients developed ENS-related symptoms gradually within 2 years to 16 years after the previous nasal surgery or treatment. The sites of submucosal implantation are mainly septum and nasal floor, unilaterally or bilaterally. There is a significant improvement of SNOT-22 pre-operatively to one year post-operatively.
CONCLUSIONS: The symptomatolgy remains the most important point when dealing with patients with ENS. Submucosal implantation of Medpor® is a feasible surgical treatment to ENS. A positive cotton test is suggested for the surgical indication and planning.

Rhinology 52-1: 35-40, 2014

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