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Blood loss reduction during laser turbinectomy

Volume: 39 - Issue: 4

First page: 230 - Last page: 232

R.H. Temple - M.S. Simms

DOI: 10.4193/Rhin

The use of a combination of topical and injected anaesthetic and vasoconstrictive agents is widely applied in rhinological practice. To prepare the nose prior to a laser inferior turbinectomy under combined general and local anaesthetic, we routinely spray the nose with 1:1000 epinephrine and inject 2% xylocaine with 1:80.000 epinephrine into each inferior turbinate. With the current climate tending towards evidence based medicine, we were keen to show that our technique of pre-operative nasal preparation was effective.
A randomised, double blind, prospective study was carried out, with patients acting as their own control. We found that the injection of 2% xylocaine with 1:80.000 epinephrine did not confer any additional benefit, in terms of blood loss or post-operative pain, in the treatment of these patients. The inferior turbinate that was injected bled more during the procedure than the non-injected side; there was no difference in post-operative discomfort between the 2 sides.

Rhinology 39-4: 230-232, 2001

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